Keep in touch with Email Marketing

Do you want to engage with your customers on a more personal level? Why not try email marketing?

Here are our top 5 top tips to keep your mailers interesting! Have some FUN with it!

Stay on topic

Make sure your mailer content flows nicely with your social media content! Depending on what your mailers will focus on, will depend on how you plan out your social schedule. We often recommend sending out a mailer and using the information to plan your social media schedule. This way, you have the luxury of offering your mailing list customers first access to deals and special events!

Keep it colourful

No one likes looking at lots of text. Especially if that text is tiny while you squint to read from your phone screen! The less writing on a mailer, the better but if you do have lots to share, make sure it’s broken up with colourful images. By doing this, your audience is less likely to click off your email before they’ve even begun to read it.


You wouldn’t go out looking like rubbish, so make sure your mailers don’t either! Your mailers are an extension to your business and are there to lure your audience members in, so they need to look good. Before pressing send, make sure your fonts are the same, your pictures line up with your text and your buttons work!

Subject headings are important!

Keep your email subject heading interesting! ‘Gardening in Spring’ and ‘Want to know what plants are best for your garden in Spring? Find out inside!’ both cover the subject of the mailer but one is more likely to get your audience to click the open button and start to read!

Incentives are great for engagement

Offer your audience something they wouldn’t get UNLESS they read your mailers. Early access to events, money off vouchers, a free glass of prosecco with their dinner … By doing this, you can keep your audience on their toes and eager to receive your next mailer!

Something extra…

Adding links to your email marketing is a great way to drive traffic to your website. You can do this a number of ways! Add a click through link to an image, a button or even your text and keep track of your website visits via Google Analytics. This will help you to see what content results in higher engagement!  

Here at Media Waypoint we can work with you to create the best strategy for you and your business. Find out more about the services we offer here or contact us on 01242 224315!