The Importance Of Digital Marketing During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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The Office for National Statistics found that 58% of businesses that took part in their latest survey have experienced a decrease in their turnover since the COVID-19 pandemic started. However, 77% of those businesses have continued to trade.

As a digital marketing company, the majority of our clients still require social media and digital marketing and it is our responsibility to ensure content is sensitive to the current situation, without losing the brand’s voice in the process.

Businesses will struggle for some time after the current crisis, so it is important to develop a long term, solid digital marketing plan. During the first month of the pandemic, we spoke to clients individually to discuss the best strategy to suit them. Increasing social media posts, writing relevant blog articles and sharing information on how to contact the business, as well as local community news are all things that can be done to help your business. Where companies have not been able to continue trading, they can remain visible to their audience, without directly selling products.

If you, as a business, are able to help those affected by the virus, you can share information and photographs on what you have being doing on your social media channels. With more people at home, screen time has increased and now more than ever is the ideal time to share positive news to spread the community spirit. Your audience will remember that you helped during a time of need, therefore boosting your brand image.

However, we must stress that this is not the time to exploit your audience. Many companies, particularly the ones who have access to products in high demand, such as hand sanitiser, have been guilty of selling their products 10-50% higher than the usual price. This might make the company money in the short term, but will result in negative press and impact future business performance.

Hard work, loyalty and a bit of positivity can go a long way. Here at Media Waypoint, we understand the importance of listening and communicating clearly with our clients. Using initiative and reacting swiftly to the ever-changing landscape with well-structured digital marketing strategies can reduce the impact of Covid-19 on your business and ensure that it is ready for the future.